ארוחה מהעתיד | ארוחה מהעתיד מעיין
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How close are we to the day lab-grown meat reaches our supermarkets?

Did you know that Israeli companies already fly deliveries using drones?


Will we soon no longer have to struggle with diets? Will we swallow a pill that will change our tastes or will we inject a medicine that will stop the hunger completely?


Have you heard of the "washing plates"? This is an environmental solution of "biological cutlery" the dishes are washed in the sink after the meal and simply...disappears!!!
Is this the end of washing dishes or disposable plates?



And news for "foodies" - a fascinating look at the most innovative restaurants in the world...


"Dinner from the Future" is an interactive and experiential lecture, that introduces you to the hottest innovations in the field of food.
All participants receive a personal tasting box to illustrate the experience and integrate all the senses.

Server Room

Event Memories

Join us for a dinner from the future

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